Spare them a thought today

A vintage Valentine from 1905 for all those single ladies who are making a point of exuberantly loving their lives on Facebook today:

As for the single men, today is your day!  Can't you smell the desperation all around you in the air?  The first thing you should do today is make a reservation at a great restaurant that you particularly like.  And when the first girl who interests you laments that she doesn't have a date or a boyfriend, tell her that you'll take her out tonight.  If she doesn't agree, (and she usually will), then repeat with the next one to come along.  Even if you're normally a helpless gamma, you'll look like a smooth player and it's guaranteed that when the maître d' escorts you to your table, she'll give you a funny look and ask if this is something you do every year.

Do NOT give her a straight answer.  Just smile and tell her that she really should try a particular dish.  Don't try to impress her, just relax and enjoy yourself, let the evening come to you.  Order a decent bottle of red wine.  If nothing comes of it, that's fine.  It's just a good dinner with a drinkable wine and a beautiful woman, what is not to like about it?

And when people compliment you on being a cute couple, don't straighten them out.  Tell absurd lies.  Tell them it's your fourth anniversary.  Tell them you just got engaged.  Tell them she only has six months to live but tonight you're celebrating life.  She'll be simultaneously horrified and trying not to burst out laughing.

Keep it light, keep it fun, and the first date won't be the last one.

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