What To Do If You’re Single On Valentine’s Day…

It’s that dreaded time of year for all of us singles out there. Every year (for a while now) all I have to look forward is a card and a box of candies sent from my Mom on Valentine’s Day. How nerdy is that? I can’t recall the last time I actually spent Valentine’s Day with an actual…valentine. Therefore, I’ve become quite the expert of what to do on Valentine’s Day when you’re single. Here are some of my nerdy suggestions:

 1. Watch a marathon of your favorite TV series. 

 There are no rules here and it does not have to have a romantic motif. Last year I spent my Valentine’s Day watching the entire Season 3 of Dexter. Nothing says love better than a sexy guy dressed in tight thermal shirt with a penchant for killing serial killers. ::Swoon::

2. Play Sade’s Greatest Hits Album ALL DAY. 

Yes this may sound depressing, but there is something about listening to her voice serenade my ear drums that reminds me that true love will come someday. It’s also a great way to plan what song choice you will use for your wedding.

3. Soak yourself in a bubble bath. 

Take the money you would have otherwise spent on your valentine, and make a stop at Bath & Body Works. Line some candles around your tub, and inundate your bathwater with tons of soap suds and just marinate in a tub filled with hot water. Play some more Sade while soaking or switch to some Luther.

4. Spend some time with the “Single Ladies”. 

If you have any other girlfriends who are also single, make it a night to get some much needed quality time with your girls. Go to a nice jazz club and share some Manhattans with one another or go the nerdy route and have a sleepover and watch ‘The Notebook’ while you and the girls go ga-ga over the hotness that is Ryan Gosling.

5. Have a spa day. 

I love love love this. Just spend a day to treat and love yourself by having a spa day. You can either do this on your own or with girlfriends. Nothing says I love you more than treating your body to a facial, manicure, pedicure, massage, etc.

6. Splurge. 

Now don’t go crazy here and empty out your bank account. However, today is a day that you need to do something for yourself that you haven’t done before. Get that designer Michael Kors bag you’ve been eyeing for the last three weeks or if you’ve been dieting go to the Godiva store and buy yourself some high-end chocolates. It’s okay to be good to yourself once in a while…you deserve it.

7. Take the day off. 

If you’re at work on Valentine’s Day it can sometimes be so annoying to see your co-workers having flowers and candy-grams delivered to their cubicles next to yours. Rather than feeling down-in-the-dumps, take the day off and just rest and relax. Use this day to follow any of the 6 suggestions above. 

I hope these suggestions help you deal with being single of Valentine’s Day. Yes it can be discouraging at times to see yourself without a cute guy to snuggle with on this day, but remember its only one day out of the year and being single is what you make of it, so have fun and enjoy your season of solitude!

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