WTF! Fake Nerd Girl Phenomena

Pretty soon I'm going to start clocking broads for credentials cause there are way too many posers out there. That's right. Girl nerd posers and it's pissing me off. Would've got to writing this sooner but my cat wanted to post up on my stomach.
Here's a picture for proof and because I'm becoming a crazy cat lady.

I have been floating around the Internet and seeing a lot, and I mean a lot, of hypothetical nerd girls posing around and saying how nerdy they are but I don't know. Something about the overall picture just doesn't appeal to me. Now, I can't say if they are or not because I don't know them in real life but like most things, sometimes you can just look at someone or something and just tell. And with a lot of these broads, I can just tell. Sorry. You are not a nerd. Posing with glasses on, does not make you a nerd. Hell, I barely wear glasses, but don't tell that to my eye doctor please. Just because you're posing with a Pac Man shirt on, with glasses, doesn't make you a nerd. Posing with a Xbox controller that it looks like you're trying to fucking eat does not make you a nerd or a gamer. It looks like you're hungry and forgot what real food was.

Something about you actually screams you're NOT a nerd.
There have been many topics lately on stating how being a nerd is the new, hip thing right now and it angers me because I can remember the days of being called a nerd or a geek and it was derogatory.  Despite the spite people said it with, there was still a pride associated with it. It meant you were, though unintentionally, going against the grain. You had a knack for something most people probably didn't and you probably were excelling while others weren't. Even though you were probably socially awkward enough, spoke when spoken to, and maybe kept to yourself, deep down inside you knew you were awesome and everyone else could kick rocks. Haters gonna hate. But now, it seems like you just need a pair of big glasses, a cardigan, and mention Harry Potter and BAM, you're in the clique.

Well I say, no ma'am, no sir. That train stops today. We're our own happy bunch. We went through growing pains and sometimes years of acceptance to get where we are today. And prefer to keep the pump fakers out. Or maybe I'm just...bitter. It happens.

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