Alpha Mail: Hamsters and hair length

The fact that more than two years later, women with short hair are still stumbling upon and having conniptions about the post entitled Women: don't cut your damn hair is not only amusing, but underlines the truth of Sailer's Law of Female Journalism: "The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking."

Their vanity and self-delusion is such that not only does the mere observation that they are intentionally making themselves look less attractive to men upset them, but causes them to throw all of their long-haired sisters under the bus without hesitation.

Consider the following examples:
Women not doing everything they can to please your sense of what is aesthetically pleasing? Oh poo, what woman would be so foolish to do something for themselves? WHY CAN'T WOMEN JUST ALL LOOK THE WAY I FIND THEM ATTRACTIVE. No one gives a shit about your opinion you sexist shit.
Which, of course, is why she's upset by it.  Because she doesn't care. She is missing the salient point, which doesn't concern my sense of what is aesthetically pleasing, but rather, the fact that I happen to share a sense of what is aesthetically pleasing with the vast majority of men.
Haha you guys are so pathetic. I have alternated between long and short hair and while I get more attention with long hair, I tend to get more quality guys with the short. Why? Probably because I'm confident and show that I don't give a fuck what people think.

Of course, when you're dating breathing fuckdolls with nothing else to offer then I can see why it would be such a big deal for you! Oh wait I forgot you're a bunch of virgins :-\

Also, any women who think they need to have long hair to find a man is equally pathetic. Think for yourselves for once! 
This is female illogic at its acidic best. She presents the illusion of dialectic in appealing to her own experience, but then waxes purely rhetorical in her attack on men and women alike. And keep in mind, this vituperation is all in defense of the perceived attractiveness of her hair length!  When it comes to her perception of her own sexual value, there is no conflict too small to justify a woman going full wasp-defending-the-nest mode in an attempt to maintain her self-justifying delusions

This woman doesn't even bother with any pretense at reason:
To all the men that equate women's attractiveness by how long hair is - you are saddos. No doubt you're all sitting in the spare bedroom of your mother's house, typing away with your sad little lives on your computers, belittling women inbetween wanking away to internet porn because you can't actually get any real sex from a real woman. And why can't you get any real sex? You're sad misogyists. Women pity you. But not really (hehe). Have fun getting rickets boys. You deserve them.
In other words, she asserts that men who dare to so much as have a preference concerning what they happen to find attractive are saddos who hate women and can't get sex from them. Fascinating. But at least she is honest and admits that when women claim to "pity" someone, they really don't.

And here is another shining example of female logic:
Hey asshole, here's a reason why women cut their hair short; because you, and men like you, are not the end all arbiters of what is attractive on a women, nor are your opinions the sun that our world revolves around.
So, such women care so little about men's opinions that they are driven to do the precise opposite of what is indicated by those opinions.  Right.

This woman, on the other hand, admits to what most men instinctively grasp is true: a woman who chops her hair off is intentionally, for one reason or another, attempting to make herself look less attractive to the opposite sex:
Personally, I have seriously considered cutting my hair off(as in really short-pixie cut) precisely because, like some before me have said, it lowers or even completely wipes away "attractiveness". One thing is for sure: it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to objectify a short-haired woman(unless she has a freakishly sexy, hour-glass figure,and shows it off, like Marilyn Monroe did) . Short hair basically makes your face, your features stand out and forces people to look you in the eyes, treat you as a person. Plus, from a strictly aesthetic point of view, you can still look gorgeous, like Halle Berry or Charlize Theron have proven, times and again.
It is true that Halle Berry and Charlize Theron are attractive with short hair. But what so many women fail to realize is that they are attractive IN SPITE of their short hair, and that they are even more attractive with long hair.  And also, they are failing to take into account that very, very few women are as attractive as these two women who are very wealthy due to their exceptional genetic gifts.

However, without question the most amusing response has been from women who are so willfully perverse and self-defeating, and care so little about my opinion, that no less than four of them declared they were cutting off their hair in response to my post. To which news I can only respond: do you know what men REALLY find unattractive? Shaving your head and having a giant spider tattooed on the top of your naked scalp! And don't you dare send me the pictures afterwards either!

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