Calling All Writers, Attorneys, Artists, Web Designers, and Blerd Humanitarians!

Even if you don't have one of these jobs, it's cool. I'm just happy to receive any kind of help possible = )

Lately, my life has been chaos. I've had guests in town the past two weeks back to back (fun but exhausting), the cat I was sitting is gone (I'm pretty sad about it), I'm trying to buy a house (bank is kinda shafting me but that's back on track now!), on top of normal work stuff, life, and FUN! Admist all this, I've been analyzing what I want to do with my life. By day, I work as a security engineer and while that's all fine and dandy (I also don't mind getting my steady paycheck), I really want to help people. people. Make a huge impact for those that are trapped by the struggles of life and out of their means.

I'm trying to start my own non-profit organization where I live and then expanding it worldwide. It's to support and back efforts to preserve universal rights for all people everywhere. My biggest project within that is stopping human trafficking. Boys, girls, women, and men all around the world, yes, even in the US, are being forced into labor for sex, drug mules, organs, and whatever else people can think off. It SICKENS me to my core that someone could have their life stripped from them for the financial gain of others. According to the Bureau of Justice, about 8 in 10 of the suspected incidents of human trafficking were classified as sex trafficking, and about 1 in 10 incidents were classified as labor trafficking ( Between January 2008 and June 2010, federally funded task forces opened approximately 2500 human trafficking cases and out of this, the confirmed sex trafficking victims were more likely to be white (26%) or black (40%), compared to labor trafficking victims, who were more likely to be Hispanic (63%) or Asian (17%) ( These are our sisters, brothers, sons, daughters. These are someone's mothers or fathers. In 2005 alone, there were reportedly 100,000 to 150,000 sex slaves in the United States ( Yes. It's going on here. It could be our next door neighbor. Or someone down the road. Or someone you work with. I'm not saying this to cause fear or panic for the people close to you, but this is a problem. Here's where I'm asking for help...

So I learned it actually costs quite a bit of money to start a non-profit. Funny since I'm not trying to make money but support bigger organizations such as UNICEF to put a stop to this. Or maybe even open a local shelter. Not only is money a problem, but the paperwork and Legalese is tripping me up. I'm only asking that if you're an attorney or know someone that would be willing to help me, please reach out to me. If you have one of the other occupations, I need your help too. I've unable to make a website (I'm special) and need a logo, and other things to get the page out there. If there are any people out there that can help me with making sure the organization name I have picked infringes on anything, you're also needed. Leave a comment either here in the blog, Facebook, or Twitter, and I will get back to you immediately. If you wish to contribute financially, that is completely up to you and would beyond appreciated but not necessary. I swear on everything this money would go towards the start up (paperwork, website, etc) and maintenance of the organization. I'm mulling over starting a GoFundMe page that I can point the money aspect to. I might need a Board of Directors too (so says my paperwork) and I would be more than happy to have a like minded group supporting me. If you're unable to help anyway at all, then all I ask is spread the word. People deserve to live a life of happiness without prosecution for sex, age, religion, creed, color, sexuality, or anything. This goes for the US and beyond. I want to make a change. This is something I feel so strongly about.

Let's show the world that we are going to make a change. We're able to save lives.

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