Badly Tainted

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Once again, celebrity host CH has proven that she has what it takes - a unique talent to mislead, manipulate anyone at anytime. Undeniably, CH’s knack at diverting people’s perception for her own  benefit is uniquely hers. 

Wasn’t she talked about before as the one behind her colleagues’ coming so late at a show’s rehearsal because she gave them misleading time? Remember how that  incident eventually earned her a monicker? Truly, she is 'lying' personified. 

And now CH did it again. After everything that she had fed the media about a family member FM’s plan to transfer to another network, the details she was giving were actually the exact opposite of what was being hatched and planned.  

Let's rewind a bit. Some years ago, when she and FM were still under one roof aka network NE, CH said that it was she who persuaded FM to transfer to new network NN since there was no way FM would get noticed and be given projects in NE due to the overcrowding of talents already. Insiders agreed with her because not only was FM new, she was also perceived to be without talent and face value at all. And for her to compete with the truly talented and beautiful stars in NE,  would only be a useless exercise.

At  NN, FM was fortunate enough to be given really good projects, a big blessing for someone unknown.  But over the years, people observed that  FM did not have anything to show for it that she had improved and grown as a talent. In fact, what people know of her is her big attitude and unprofessionalism in the workplace.

Meanwhile as FM’s contract with NN expired, there was no word that it would get renewed despite her family’s incessant follow ups. To make matters worse, FM was never given projects for a long time. Adding to their problem is the entry of a fresh talent FT to NN who looks a lot of a star material than FM - much younger, a lot prettier, and some say, more promising, thereby more favored by NN.  That compounded their problems even more.  

CH and FM were in panic mode  along with FM’s manager. But CH was on the defensive, as always. For a long time, she was actually slowly working her way in NE – pulling strings  and quietly sneaking to her network bosses for them to take FM into NE. Finally, as she was seeing potential success, she went around giving media interviews that ran contrary to her plans, saying that she would never like FM join her in NE due to many conflicts.  

Then several weeks after that, announcements  were all over that FM was the new the entrant to NE’s stable. People were shocked. But to most insiders, that was nothing new to CH - proving  once more how cunning and manipulative she can be. People are now asking, “Where is CH’s influence coming from?”  Don’t ask me! 

“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.” ~  Dwight Lyman Moody

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