Classless Bullying

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There's an ongoing big rift (again) among family members FM; and this time it really seems like a big explosion is unfolding.

It is within their circles’ knowledge that family member 2 FM2 got romantically involved  with a very much-married  government official GO. In the beginning of their affair,  the unlikely couple tried to brush off and dismiss the rumors by trying not to be seen together. Not being seen together was a challenge given their present circumstances. Yet the “not-so-hidden”  love affair continues uninterrupted to this day right under the nose of GO’s wife. 

Many agree that FM2’s separation from her husband HH was allegedly triggered by GO’s coming into their life. FM2 had been wanting all along to be free from HH but couldn’t find a perfect time to do it. When GO "gatecrashed"  into their home, he was warmly welcomed by FM2, no less. And the rest, as they say, is history. 

When in public, FM2 and GO try to be as discreet as possible. But the public’s roving eyes are everywhere. Hence, trying to conceal their tightly-guarded secret becomes an exercise in futility. When before, people talked about it in hushed tones, even damaging details (ie photos) have been out in the open, with FM3 being pointed to as the culprit. 

Family member 1 FM1 is not exactly pleased as another family member FM4 is being dragged into the brouhaha. The very protective FM1 vowed to use her powers to put FM3 in her place if she won’t shut up. 

FM3 and FM4 will be breathing the same air soon. Let’s see who gets suffocated first.  

- Love, like charity begins at home -

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