Ravenous Workings of the Host

Image courtesy of www.psychocydd.co.uk

Over the years, the infamous host (IH) has amassed a substantial amount of money, lavish homes, impressive vehicles, etc. First, he has a contract that brings him eight figures per month. In addition, the amount generated by his sponsors goes directly to him. Second, his studio even bumped off a talented star just to accommodate his need for a better location.

However, IH is still not happy - he wants more than what he is getting. His monthly take (not including product sponsorship that is guaranteed for a minimum of three months) is divided equally between him and two executives (E1 and E2). Since his contract is about to end, he wants a substantial increase in his monthly take, and a change in the sharing. IH wants 60%, while E1 and E2 will get 20% each. E1 has agreed to the proposal, but E2 refused. E2 claims that he was responsible for brokering the deal between IH and the current network. Thus, IH and E2 had a falling out and E2 no longer attends the events of IH.

Now, IH is calling the attention of some bigwigs in his network to start fixing his contract. Since a new executive was hired a few months ago, IH is worried that it might not be renewed.

So, what does he do? In his show, he started greeting his former co-hosts, and thus, has given the impression that he is indeed moving out. Well, there is more to that. IH seems to be pursuing and getting    chummy with the higher ups of his former network.

He was seen having a casual conversation with one of the siblings of the owners in a vacation spot down south. The owners of this network do not really interfere with the way things are run in their network, as they believe in their competent management. IH is also trying to gain favour from a powerful network insider (NI).

NI is responsible for the quality of talents that the network has. However, IH has a sworn enemy (SE) in the network. SE is one of the pillars of the production/management team. SE will be a difficult match for IH as both have had a connection that ran deep, and which had hurt SE in the past.

How far will greed go? Will IH leave the network who gave him the chance when he left? Will his former network welcome him back hoping he could topple the other show that has reigned over for decades?

“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”― Socrates

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