Junking the Chronic System

Image courtesy of www.myspace.com

This early, young and privileged starlet YS is showing everyone how it is to fail in showbiz. She is everything a newbie should not aspire to be: bad attitude personified.

The pretty airhead seems to feel that she is entitled to everything, even to episodes of bitchiness at work every so often. Some say that the overbearing attitude comes from the fact that she was made to feel special from the very beginning: spoiled and well-provided for by a close relative CR who is basking in fame and fortune.

At any rate, shouldn’t she be thankful instead that inspite of being talentless, she is lucky to clinch projects owing to her strong connections? Such an edge of not having to sweat it out there to prove herself like some other ordinary Jane’s? Hey girl, even talented veterans strive to be professional and respect their work.

From the grapevine, YS was doing a shoot for a huge cosmetics company. Projects like these are usually costly and challenging in terms of logistics, and yet, YS didn’t seem to prize commitment and professionalism.

From the start, she was making things difficult for the production staff. First, she did not like the make-up to be used on her. Second, she didn’t want to finish shoot because she needed to watch a concert. When her manager was informed about these, no questions were asked - manager put her foot down.

And what did YS do to retaliate? The brat in her surfaced: she sulked and slept, further delaying the shoot.

Showbiz insiders blame the system on why people like YS thrive - raw, talentless, uncommitted, yet exist to be given preferential treatment. Too much too soon. Perhaps it’s about time people concerned  realize that it is a self-created problem capable of creating future monsters.

“Fame is toxic, it can turn a shy upstart into a monster within months.”

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