Richonne: Why We Need This Romance To Happen

Not everyone is on board with the Rick/Michonne (aka Richonne) romance in the hit comic-book-turned-TV series The Walking Dead.  If you watch the TV series, the two characters appear to be polar opposites that have absolutely nothing in common.  Michonne is a renegade loner who shows more loyalty to her katana sword than anything else.  Rick is an acquiescent leader who relies on his team for support and often times needs their strength.

Michonne on the TV series had a kinship to Andrea whom she saved in the woods from walkers at at the very end of season two.  They spend several months in the woods together, fighting for their survival against cold winters and hungry walkers.  To some viewers their kinship was thought to be more than just friends, and no one knows how close the two became during those several months alone.  It would lead some viewers to even wonder if there was in fact a relationship between Andrea and Michonne, but neither the TV show nor the books ever confirm that their friendship was more than platonic.

In the meantime on the TV show, Michonne's character seems to not have any romantic links to anyone until the end of season three when her bond with Rick has seemed to congeal together into more than just a mutual understanding.  I will be the first to admit, that these characters have a lot more in common than you may think.  Unfortunately, the show has yet to go into Michonne's back story to support my argument, but for those of you who have read the comics, you may agree with my proposals as to why Rick Grimes and Michonne should get together.

(Spoilers below if you have not read the comics)

Here are some reasons why Rick and Michonne should get together:

- Rick needs to get over Lori

As much as I am not a fan of rebound relationships, I think in a post-apocalyptic world run rampant by walkers, Rick needs to get over the fact that his wife is dead and she's never coming back.  Rick is clearly becoming distracted more so than being haunted by Lori's ghost, and if he wants to continue to lead, he has to get his head on straight.  Moving on and forming a relationship with Michonne can help alleviate that.

- Michonne has bonded closely with Rick's son Carl

I know you're thinking, so what?  Yes, it may seem like a trivial reason for a hookup, but it is important that Carl can look to a maternal figure he can trust and someone who he knows will be strong for his father.  Carl and Michonne had a connection when Carl ran in to grab an old family photo as Michonne helps protect him from walkers nearby.  Carl later tells his dad that Michonne is one of them and further gains Rick's trust through Carl's words.

- Michonne has worked in law and Rick is a member of law enforement

In the comic, Michonne was formerly a lawyer and Rick was a cop.  They both know the law and were law-abiding citizens.  They understand the terms setting rules and boundaries.  Having this kind of mutual interest is enough to allow anyone to have a myriad of topics to talk about on a first date...if there is enough peace in their universe to have that opportunity.

- They both talk and have visions of dead exes

In the comic book, Michonne's character suffered a great deal of trauma due to the lost of her boyfriend.  She not only sees visions of him, but she converses with him incessantly.  She would be seen carrying on conversations with him when she was alone.  Rick, on the other hand has the same problem on the TV show with his wife Lori who he sees constant visions of her pregnant and wearing a white dress.  He tries to reach out to her, and to everyone else it appears he is communicating with himself.  Obviously these two could go on a double date with their ghost exes and have a lengthy conversation about the after-life.

- Nothing better than some passionate love-making to ease the tension of becoming zombie-prey every night

Don't judge me for writing this but let's admit it, having some sort of sexual relationship during the zombie apocalypse, makes it a little easier to deal with survival.  Look at Glenn and Maggie, these two are now engaged and somehow have been able to survive all three seasons without any problem (well except for that whole Gov situation).  Somehow getting some action and keeping that libido in check helps to heighten your senses and allow one to be tactful in escaping and killing walkers at a moment's notice.  Heck, Andrea even was able to get her energy revived after sleeping with Shane and then later the Governor.  Rick needs to get some, as does Michonne----why the hell not?

- This show needs more love stories

Is it possible to find love in the zombie apocalypse?  Yes!  In the comic book version there are a myriad of love triangles, hookups, and romances that take place among all of the characters.  It's what gives the comic a very soap-opera like story line that has you yearning for so much more.  The love triangle in season 1 and 2 of the show between Shane, Lori, and Rick was one of the best story lines in the series.  The TV version needs to amp the romantic connections up a bit more, and start formulating romances between more characters.  I say let's start first with Rick and Michonne.

You may agree or disagree with my reasons, but in the end it will be awesome to see what Season 4 of this show brings each of us. Will Richonne happen?  One can only hope.

Check out this YouTube comedy spoof on a Rick/Michonne romance!  Cute stuff!

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