9 random toys from the '80s and '90s that you probably forgot about.

Hi friends!

Recently, i've been rather nostalgic and thinking about my childhood. I was the baby of three children and I was rather spoiled. I was ever so lucky to have a number of the popular, latest and greatest toys of the late '80s and '90s. While taking a walk down memory lane, I decided to share with you some of the toys I totally LOVED that you might have forgotten. A few of these toys definitely made me want to hit up eBay.

Talking Urkel Doll

In the '80s and '90s everything was merchandised from shows, to movies, to cartoons, to everything. "Family Matters" was a huge part of our lives in the '90s and we couldn't get enough of Urkel cereal, songs, t-shirts, and more. It was only right that we had a doll to go with all of our other merch. I never knew what to do with my Urkel doll because it wasn't like I could pretend that Steve Urkel was my son when I played house. I sure as hell wasn't going to pretend to be married to him. If I recall correctly, I brought him to school to show him off to the other kids that didn't have him. I also think my mom thought the doll was going to be worth something. Where is my Urkel doll now, mom?!  In any event, the doll is ridiculous and fantastic all in the same. 

Sky Dancers

Like a lot of our toys from back in the day, these didn't make much sense. They were cool and pretty colors and I guess, they sort of flew. Sort of. They would almost shoot 3 inches into the air and then you would give up playing with them.  I was always sad that you couldn't really move their arms and there legs were just one plastic molded piece that was only used to stick into the launcher. Even if they were a huge let down, I still felt pretty awesome owning a few of these. 

Lady Lovely Locks Dolls

These dolls were my favorite for the early part of my life. They had completely amazing hair and I wanted to dress like them. I got so excited when I remembered these dolls happened and instantly felt the love I had for them when I was 3. I mean, look at them! So stylish!

Cupcake Dolls

These dolls were the dopeness. I have been pretty in love with cupcakes my whole life. These dolls were simply magical. They were dolls that transformed into edible heaven and their hats were the icing. What little girl wouldn't want these dolls? If I recall correctly, I think they all had different scents as well. They didn't have legs but I didn't care. I just thought they were brilliant and I wanted all of them. 

Little Boppers

When I was researching toys and thought to add this to the list, I was talking to my friend Jaymz and she was like "This commercial always confused me, these guys don't hang out!" She's right, I am not sure when Kermit ever hung out with Teddy Ruxpin or Donald Duck. All I know is that I loved dancing my ass off with the one I had, which was the Mickey Mouse Bopper.

Don't Wake Daddy

This board game was rather weird and a little bit terrifying. You had to make it around the board to get to the kitchen without waking your father. It was such an odd concept and honestly it was one of those games like Mouse Trap that was just fun to set off. I can't remember ever completing an entire round of this game. It was definitely a weird item in my childhood. 

Dear Diary

I wish I knew where my Dear Diary is hiding because I used to use this bad boy ALL day, EVERY day. I used to write about my love for Jonathan Taylor Thomas and how stupid I thought my brother was. I am sure there were some other great tales in this high tech diary and if I ever find it I am sure I will laugh for days. 

Lil Miss Magic Hair

Girls...this doll was the complete shit! I remember seeing the commercial and losing my damn mind. I grew up in a multicultural household and always having both black and white dolls.  I remember thinking "I NEED the black one" when I saw this doll, mainly because in my child brain there was nothing cooler than a brown girl with colorful hair. Actually, that is still the case in my adult brain. If I recall correctly, the wand was pretty great. You had to use it on her hair but the water would have to be ice cold for it to work properly. Man, I might have to buy this doll again because I remember being obsessed with it.  I am pretty sure Nicki Minaj was inspired by Lil Miss Magic Hair. 

Kenya and Baby Kiana 

These dolls were actually what got me even thinking about all of the amazing toys I had when I was a child. I was talking a friend about having Kenya and saying it was weird that her baby sister was a bigger doll than she was. She then didn't believe these dolls existed but then I realized they were sort of for black girls and my friend is white. Which would explain why she doesn't know about these dolly sisters. I used to LOVE the smell of the lotion you would put in Kenya's hair. I didn't like Baby Kiana as much mainly because her body was plushy. I am not sure if that is weird or not. Either way, I was proud to have both of them. 
What were some of your favorite playthings from the '80s and '90s? Did you have any of the toys listed here? Are you searching the pages of eBay like I am?
Cute but never mute, 
Latanya Rene 

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