Are the Ladies Really Gravely Addicted to His Moves?

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All things being equal, the man who is more physically attractive gets to have more perks in almost any situation – they are more desired, get paid more, higher self-esteem - like it or not, beauty connotes positivity.

It's not just about being tall, dark and handsome. There are special 'manly' qualities about guys that can make any woman fall over her knees. And it’s definitely not just about the looks, there's more. It's a surefire mix of both, physical attributes and all that important special touch.

Talented Actor TA's boyish appeal and to-die for cuteness was no doubt his and his alone. TA's fresh as a morning face had sent not a few beautiful women to go crazy, drool and follow him wherever. TA was definitely up on the popularity quotient – anything that moved adored him. He had it all: fame, impeccable confidence, sense of humor, charm. Oh well, this is about throwback of two decades.

So how is TA rating now? Well, he is still the same attractive man despite the years. People young and old still get hyper in his presence. Surprisingly, most of the women in his life haven’t gone out of oblivion. They still are desirable and controversial than ever, two of them very controversial.

TA for all his charm and appeal is not perfect and has “shortcomings” too. But make no mistake, he sure knows how to make up for it in that department. Ever the woman pleaser, TA's memories remain enduring to his many exes. He maybe publicly displaying love and affection towards his wife, but he knows how to have fun, too.

From among many, TA has a list of unforgettables as well. He and this younger award winning actress YA had an episode while working on a project as well as this other beautiful older actress OA. Both women are said to have gone mad over TA – and vice versa.

Indeed, some good things never last … to this day.

“The good is in my head, but the devil is in my pants. “ ~ Jonathan Winters

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