Let's Get Social Sunday

Hey guys,
I'm co hosting Let's Get Social Sunday, woohoo so come on let's get social!
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Welcome to Let's Get Social Sunday!

This party is for bloggers who wish to make new friends and gain new followers. It is also an opportunity to link up all your social media sites to gain more followers for blogging opportunities and it increases traffic to all your sites.  
 Lets Get Social Sunday is live on 9 different blogs every week which means maximum exposure!


(1) Follow your hosts and co-hosts in as many ways as possible.


Diane @ Mamal Diane

and meet our co-hosts this week:

Michelle @ Bean Counting Mommy


Mel @ Mellywood's Mansion

(2) Grab our button and share it on your blog

(3) Let us know if you followed in the comments, so we can return the follows!

(4) Find some new blogs to follow and let 'em know you found them from the Let's Get Social Sunday party. 

*Just a note - If you would like to co-host, we are accepting spots in the future for co-hosts. Please, email us at letsgetsocialsunday@gmail.com and we will send you the information on scheduling. :)

Let's Get Social Sunday
<div align="center"><a href=" http://www.myturnforus.com/" title="Let's Get Social Sunday" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s368/lovebakesgoodcakes/LBGC%20-%20reoccuring/LBCG%20Buttons%20and%20Banners/letsgetsocial2button.jpg" alt="Let's Get Social Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Not a requirement, but we appreciate the love - If you enjoy this party, would you mind hitting the tweet button to help spread the word? Or share on your favorite social media! Thanks y'all :)








Don't forget to share and comment 

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