Women commit most domestic violence

Even the studies cited by feminists to blame men for domestic violence reveal as much:
Take domestic violence, for example. It is almost universally portrayed as though the perpetrators are men. Indeed, in 1989 the Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science published the results of a survey that was celebrated as a classic exposé of ‘battered wives’, and was taken up as proof of typical male perfidy.

However, two years later the Journal acknowledged a different side to the story after the data had been re-analysed. While 10.8 per cent of the men surveyed had pushed, grabbed or thrown objects at their spouses, 12.4 per cent of women had done so too. And although 2.5 per cent of men used serious violence, so did 4.7 per cent of women.

Marilyn Kwong, who carried out the new analysis, also examined eight other studies and found the pattern was universal. Inconvenient facts had been cut out.
I would go so far as to argue that given the redefinition of sexual assault to mean "sexual contact to which express consent has not been given", women also commit the majority of sexual assaults.  I have been groped, on the chest, posterior, or genitals, without giving express consent, by at least 10x more women than I have ever touched myself.

When facing spurious feminist assertions, punch back twice as hard.  When you hear an appeal to domestic violence justifying one form or another of the Female Imperative, remind your interlocutor that as per the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, women commit nearly two-thirds, (65.3 percent), of serious domestic violence.

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