Be wary of the gamma

I always knew that Hitler was a psychosexual freak, but I didn't know that he was an unmitigated gamma male. Heartiste provides a masterful examination of these recent revelations of Hitler's first big infatuation; keep in mind that his "beta" in this case is the Alpha Game BETA:Gamma.
“For such extraordinary human beings as himself and Stefanie,” he told Kubizek, “there was no need for the usual communication by word of mouth: extraordinary human beings would understand each other by intuition.” Moreover, Hitler convinced himself not only that Stefanie knew what his views and ideas were, but also that she shared them enthusiastically. Such was the power of his crush on this unwitting girl that he even believed her capable of telepathy.
The young beta, before time and painful lessons have turned him bitter, is prone to these flights of ego-soothing fancy, whereby amorphous “connections” of the most tenuous nature with his love object become rationalizations for inaction and unrealistic expectations of a future together.
When Kubizek expressed doubt that Hitler could possibly know what Stefanie thought about anything, considering they hadn’t yet spoken, “he became furious and shouted at me: ‘You simply don’t understand, because you can’t understand the true meaning of extraordinary love’.”
Can’t you just imagine an American teenage boy, with little understanding of the nature of women, saying these exact words to his street smart buddy, or his patient father?
Hitler also somehow convinced himself that Stefanie was feigning interest in other men “as a sort of deliberate diversion to conceal her own tempestuous feelings for him”.
Nonetheless, “this attitude often gave way to fits of raging jealousy”.
We’re veering into almost omega male territory here. Can a school shooting be far behind?
This goes well past the romantic delta pedestalization and deep into gamma male delusion territory.  Hitler became the leader of a powerful state, but his actions were deeply influenced by the gamma delusions about people that had been formulated in his youth; his own constant exaggeration and bluffing led him to make dreadful military errors because he never stopped to think that England, the Soviet Union, or the USA were not paper tigers like he knew his own military forces to have been at the time he ordered the initial German invasions.

The rapid fall of France confirmed his belief about others being conflict-avoidant, thus encouraging him to launch one of the most poorly considered invasions in history, opening a second front by invading the Soviet Union.

The four main characteristics of the gamma male are as follows:
  1. Overly romantic (dramatic self-narrative)
  2. Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)
  3. Delusion (exaggeration and posturing)
  4. Lack of success with women
Hitler clearly qualified on all four counts.

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