“Without a directive of a quota from above, the figure of 50 per cent will simply never be achieved. Not because there are not good women out there, there are plenty, but they have to be sought out and given the opportunity.”Of course, we already know that once women have claimed 50 percent of the broadcast positions, they will aim for 65 percent, then 75 percent, and they will never stop shrieking about discrimination against them until they have driven every last male broadcaster out of television.
Look at education in the USA. Women make up 82 percent of the public school teachers and 58 percent of all college attendees. And yet, we are informed that the problem with the educational system is that there are still too few female athletes and scientists, so Title IX is required in order to rectify the balance.
Now women are actively attempting to drive men out of everything from comics to video games, in the same way they've successfully transformed most evening television into daytime soap operas, most science fiction into romance novels in space, and most fantasy into necrobestial romance novels.
Which raises the question, what on Earth is it that women expect men to do if men are not permitted to do anything without women attempting to ruin it? Go off and invent something new so that women can continue to feel aggrieved and oppressed?
I never used to object to female involvement in various predominantly male activities. But it seems that it is almost impossible for women to take part in such activities without demanding that things be changed in order to better suit them. There are girls on teams in my soccer club; two of them are excellent players. But the rules of the game are not changed to accommodate them in any way, which is why it works.