Lacking Goodwill

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Pretty Model (PM) was invited to grace the project of a non-government organization (NGO) out of town. PM went as the NGO had a project that was to be named after her.

As a social media savvy personality, PM uploaded her photos online with the residents and volunteers. The photos projected that PM was freely interacting with people coming from all walks of life. However, the truth was far from what the image showed. Although there were photo-ops with PM, she gave instructions that no one should come near her. When she was overheard saying “Ew!” as they walked along the streets of the project, those who heard it did not like her expression at all.

Sadly, the ordinary folks saw beyond the prettiness of PM. They immediately sensed that she was not into the project for the less fortunate. In short, she was disconnected, and thus, they did not appreciate her presence at all. Some people were irritated that they were saying expletives at her attitude among themselves. Some even called her "suplada." With her behavior, it is no longer a wonder why netizens do not take kindly to her photos showing her helping in civic events.

Could this also be a case of birds of the same feather flocking together? Whenever PM and her gang post pictures of their involvement in socio-political events, their accounts receive more negative reactions at their “involvement” that praises. Worse, criticisms are hurled calling them hypocrites, who are merely riding on the issue for the day.

Although PM comes from the upper social strata, having name, fame, and all, she could learn to socialize sincerely with the less fortunate without bringing her attitude. The NGO is not known for inviting celebrities as they rely on the spirit of low-key volunteerism to uplift the living conditions of the poor. Hence, to be invited by this NGO brings prestige, and more so to have a project that sounds like one’s name.

To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. - Douglas Adams

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