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Their guesting included performing the opening for the show. However, two hours before they were on air, EA arrived and allegedly seemed to be wasted. Her mind was wandering off and at certain times, she was not talking at all. Seeing that EA might become unpredictable when they go on with the show, the production cancelled their opening number. So, the host just settled to have an interview with VP and EA.
During the show, several viewers noticed that EA was not in her usual element. She was giving funny answers that seemed off. Some noticed that she kept her mouth agape, which could be a sign of amazement or a sign of not being attuned to what was happening. Of course, VP and the host had to make sure their spiels were able to keep the energy going.
Why was EA not in her element that night? Could she no longer kick her old habit? In a few months, EA will soon have another movie. The industry has been kind to her despite her misbehaviors. The least EA could do is try to shape up and bring back that old magic that endeared her to the public ever since she was a child star.
There's nothing as exciting as a comeback - seeing someone with dreams, watching them fail, and then getting a second chance. -Rachel Griffiths
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