The Other Kind of MTV: Music Televisionaries

Today, I will explore how awesome the creative directors on some TV shows are at picking music. Most of the “new” stuff I stumble upon is from the shows I watch, all praise to my Shazam app and random fan sites. Please note, I am not including shows that focus on music, for example Treme.

Here are some random songs/groups I’ve found while on the couch chillin’:

"How We Operate" by Gomez – Grey's Anatomy 

Gomez is awesome. I've been a fan of all of their music since I heard it on Grey's. I'm mad that I haven't seen them in concert yet, but it'll happen one of these days.

"Heart Killer" by Gossling – Graceland 

It could’ve been someone humming to Daniel Sunjata getting ready for the day and I would've been happy. Just being honest, I've been in love with him since he was Louis from Louisiana on Sex and the City. 

"Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison – New York Undercover 

Yes, I’m taking this WAAAY back, but hey, New York Undercover was THE show to watch for new music back in the day. Whatever played on Thursday night was bumpin’ at the X Center during the wee hours the next weekend. Shout out to my UMass Amherst peeps!

"Promise" by Ben Howard -- The Finder 

A short-lived show, but it was awesome. I have a ton of music from just the one season it was on FOX. I don't even want to think about my wallet it if didn't get cancelled. Too bad that Michael Clarke Duncan passed away, it would still be on air.

"Glory Box" by Portishead -- Soul Food 

It took me years after losing this album to figure out the music that was used in the scene between Teri and David. *patting the sweat off my forehead* I can't even......

"Syrup & Honey" by Duffy – Rescue Me 

This has to be one of the best opening scenes ever. Right here:

I had this album and didn’t realize this song was even on it until I spent an hour looking up information about the scene and saw that it was a Duffy song. Of course, I'm not saying this is the end all be all of a list, but these are some of my favorite soundtracks to television scenes that can, and will be added to my list when talking to fellow TV/music junkies.

Kristin, a proud owner of a sassy Pug, works at a non-profit in Washington, DC during the day, while trying to see as many concerts as humanly possible afterhours. She is attempting to share her love of music with friends via her blog, Mostly Music, and snarky twitter handle, @miathepug

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