The inner fury of the Nice Guy

This is about as flawless a portrait of a Gamma that anyone could possibly paint. It is the demon that lurks inside the twisted, affection-starved heart of every Gamma, a demon that can only be exorcised through the powerful ritual of a pretty woman's unsolicited smile.
Have you ever hated something so much that the act of hating it actually makes you deliriously happy?

EvilGuy does. Hating women in the U.S. makes him giddy with happiness. In fact, every day, he finds a new reason to hate them a little bit more. He loves to hate them so much. It's a pleasure that he knows is wrong... it may be wrong, but it feels so right. It's like EvilGuy sprang-into existence strictly to hate women. What is solely responsible for EvilGuy coming into being? NiceGuy being forced to metabolize a steady diet of American female bullshit for the past decade, that's what.

Dude, seek psychological help. You're scaring me.

Actually, NiceGuy did see a psychologist for a while. And the psychologist happened to be a woman. She agreed with him on many of his observations: specifically, she agreed that women often place unfair expectations on men and she also agreed that women's own insecurities often drive them towards men who don't treat them right. She also said NiceGuy's angrier emotions stem directly from frustration in dealing with women which has built-up over a long period of time. (Like he needed to pay $200 an hour for that info.) She offered no solutions other than 'be yourself and just do things that make you happy in the meantime'. So he has. And she approved of his decision to move to Japan, if he thought he could find happiness and a gainful future there. So, NiceGuy has sought psychological help, and it's only served to reinforce his convictions.

But EvilGuy... he's beyond help. He's a complete, rabid psycho. Letting him temporarily loose is all that can be done to stop him from consuming NiceGuy entirely.

EvilGuy's Achilles' Heel

EvilGuy has one weakness: he can be rendered temporarily impotent by a random act of female kindness. He can be disarmed simply by receiving unprompted, kind attention from a female.
Now, consider the key identifying factors here:

1. He identifies himself as a nice guy, and more importantly, behaves as one. None of the women with whom he interacts is aware of EvilGuy.

2. He maintains an interior monologue that is at odds with his inoffensive exterior dialogue. This interior monologue is significantly angrier and more socially offensive than his interactions with others would suggest.

3. He is reactive rather than proactive. Everything is presented in an if-then format. Everything simply happens to him and he refuses to take responsibility for his own fate. "You're not stopping me from hating you."

4. He is constantly looking for an excuse to exculpate women for the crime of ignoring him and return to his more comfortable NiceGuy persona. "Okay, I'll make a special policy for tonight only, said EvilGuy to himself, if one woman comes-up and starts a conversation, I won't be evil tonight. I'll let NiceGuy back into this body if that happens. That fair? Just one woman. You ladies are going to have to make the effort tonight. One of you is going to have to start a conversation with me."

5. He not only prefers the company of men, but is uncomfortable in female-dominated social occasions. "There's going to be a large number of women present. He can feel the blood starting to boil inside of him. Personally, he'd much rather play billiards with an all-male crowd than have to deal with any feminine crap."

6. He is a sexual reject, not a social one. NiceGuy is invited to the party, after all, and his presence is welcomed by the men. "I've been standing here and quite a few guys have said 'hi' to EvilGuy, but not one woman. What the flaming hell is wrong with you chicks? Why the hell won't one of you so much as say 'hello' to me?"

But believe it or not, there is hope for the gamma, even such an ideal form of a gamma such as NiceGuy/EvilGuy. Read the entire story, because there is a twist at the end that shows even the most hopeless gamma has the potential for change and potential advancement in the human socio-sexual hierarchy. The inchoate rage of the Nice Guy is not, as it happens, entirely hapless. In fact, one can even see the ending as an apt metaphor for the collective response of men to the socio-sexual changes in society that have taken place in the Age of Equality.

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