Alpha Mail: Game and parenting

PC wonders about how to transmit the lessons of Game:
I've enjoyed reading your game posts as well as Roissy and others. It has explained some mysteries from my single days, and still applies somewhat, now that I've been married for a long time. Here's the rub: given this model of female behavior, how does one raise daughters? Mine are currently pre-teen.

Some things are pretty obvious:

1) Don't "ride the alpha carousel". Not expressed in those words, of course. More along the lines of "don't give away your heart until you find the one you'll marry."

2) Choose very carefully:
a) Would you be willing to "submit" to this person for the rest of your life? We're Catholic, so "submission" is hardly emphasized at all.
b) Is this the person you want to be the "daddy" of your children?
c) Is this the family you want to marry into?
d) Any red flags?

3) It's okay to be friends with boys, but avoid dating any but "good prospects." See #1.

Less obvious:

4) Being aware of "the hamster".
5) Attraction vs. suitability.
6) College/Career.

What have I missed? My wife was a single mom with a career until we had our son. Since then she has stayed at home. She's not always happy with that choice, but sees the value in it.
What you've missed is that subtlety is entirely lost on women, especially young women. Women are astonishingly - and I would go so far as to argue willfully - obtuse when it comes to not understanding what they do not wish to understand. Ask any Gamma or Delta who has loyally laid his heart at a woman's feet for months, if not years, and whose first romantic gesture is still treated as if it plunged unexpectedly out of orbit, just how observant women are of subtlety.

Anything short of "don't spread your pretty little legs for exciting losers" is going to be completely lost on PC's daughters. But because they are too young for that sort of direct message at this point in time, what PC needs to be instilling in them is a respect for male strength and a desire to seek male approval. The woman who can distinguish between genuine dominance and the strutter's parody of it in the three seconds that women allot to sexually categorizing men is the one who will be less likely to find herself riding the carousel throughout her twenties.

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