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When this actor was doing a television show during the nineties, he fell in love with one of the show's production staff who later became his girlfriend. The girl was so in love with him that she gave up her promotion in the network just so she can work with him. While their relationship was ongoing, the actor impregnated an actress who eventually decided to move out of the country to avoid the controversies. The girlfriend knew about the incident but she decided to forgive him and continue their love affair.
A few years later, the girlfriend was devastated when the actor confessed to her that he got another actress pregnant. He told her that this time around he had no way out so he had to propose marriage to this actress. When the girlfriend heard the shocking news, she immediately resigned from her job. She transferred to another network where she worked her way up from a production staff to an executive producer.
The actor is now married with children. From time to time though, he manages to escape from his family to meet up with this executive producer somewhere outside of Manila. It just so puzzling that this girl still agrees to see him after all the heartache that he has caused her.
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