Don't talk to single women

At least, not if you're interested in them. This cartoon series called Girls With Slingshots is a good example of why irritated and dismissive disinterest is one of the most effective ways for a man to make a positive impression on a woman.

This isn't theoretical. I think my first words to Spacebunny were "What?" Other equally eloquent initial introductions include the phrases "So?", "I'm sorry, who are you again and why are you talking to me?", and in one memorable case, "fuck off, can't you see I'm talking to someone?" These weren't conscious negs, they were what might be described as the external expression of Inner Game, or to put it in more prosaic terms, I really dislike being interrupted by women in public. Pretty social butterflies, in particular, often seem to believe that they can join any conversation in progress and change the subject to something as idiotic as it is uninteresting, and I tend to react to such attempts with unmitigated hostility.

The reason that social talk-talk is so ineffective for men, and why women like the author of the cartoon advocate it in order "to get to know a girl", should be obvious to anyone who understands the core concept of female solipsism. Remember, everything they say about men actually applies to them. So, a single woman meeting a man doesn't want to talk so that a man can get to know her better, she wants him to talk in order to permit her to disqualify him.

This is part of why Asshole Game works so well and why all the hamster-spinning about how it is its reflection of male strength that is really the appealing aspect and so forth are mere attempts to rationalize the uncomfortable. And yet, it is true that women dislike being treated badly; they hate it. But the important thing is that they respond to it and most of them can't help themselves. The rude, cold, arrogant man is immediately attractive for the obvious reason that he refuses to permit himself to be disqualified. It's seldom a conscious thing, but the net effect is that he successfully rejects the woman's internal self-appointment as his judge.

And whether he realizes it or not - I certainly didn't in the gloriously misspent days of my youth - in rejecting that self-appointment, she sees him setting himself up as her judge, which is something that harbors intrinsic appeal to the submissive element in the female spirit. His will has already conquered hers without even necessarily opening his mouth. It's a simultaneous frameswitch and DHV, which is why it is such a powerful tactic. The problem with utilizing it strategically that it is very difficult to fake because women are like bloodhounds when it comes to sniffing out genuine male emotions.

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