Office Inspiration

My current project is working on organizing and reworking our office. Since I started my blog in January I realized how uninspired it makes me feel and it is always a giant mess because of the lack of organization.

Hubby and I are working on building two of these bookcases. I will post those once we are finished, probably next week.

I just thought I would post some of my favorite pinterest finds for office inspiration just in case you lovelies needed some too.

I love this desk. I think it is perfect for what my hubby and I need considering I have to share my desk with his ham radio hobby and lets just say he takes up a good deal of this small space. The best part, they have building plans. Yes, please and thank you! :)

This is our bookcase inspiration. They aren't going to stand very tall, about 5'. I plan to put some art above it, probably our picture of the Smoky Mountains. It reminds me of home. :)

This idea is fun. I love storage and organization but it's even better and drool worthy for me when it looks classy and not plastic everywhere.

I could go on for ages with pictures that inspire me but I'll stop there. I hope to get this office under control in the next couple of weeks. It makes me giddy just thinking about it. Eeee!

Are you working on a office too or already have a great one? If you have some ideas to share, whether on a pinterest board or your own blog, I would love to see them. :)

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