Lousy Act

 Image courtesy of www.lousy.net

Did this dramatic actress (DA) and her camp pull a fast one on the networks and the public? Without any prior feelers, a story was fed to the media that DA had a meeting with the big bosses of her former network. In fact, the story was quite specific about the floor of the meeting. Upon hearing and reading this news, some already speculated that she was coming back, while others were quite surprised at the said story.

A day later, the network issued a press statement that denied such a meeting took place. Then, DA denied that she was ever at the premises of the network, much more to have been in a meeting there. The puzzle of why this piece of news about DA surfaced was solved a couple of days ago. DA just renewed her contract both with the tv station and the movie outfit of her current network. In short, the rumor was merely a way to draw some clout so her current network will increase its offer.

Why did the camp of DA bother to resort to such a cheap gimmick? Did DA feel that she needed to get a message across to her current station, which apparently was not letting her go? At any rate, they were lucky that this lousy act did not generate negative publicity for DA.

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