Friendzoned: Awkward Edition

Ahem. I’m back!

I am cuing Timbaland in the background saying, “It’s been a long time, shouldn’t have let you…” but I’m sure you guys get the point. I got super busy in the summer and it’s been a steady pace of that since. Work, family, boyfriend, more work, travel but I’m back at this!

Now, I was at an anime convention this weekend and it was awesome. I had a great time looking at the different cosplays and watching the Fighting Game Community (FGC) tournament that was taking place. Granted, I spent most of my time at Battle Opera but that’s cool. I smoozed with some cool people and took a lot of pictures. Ironically when I got off the plane today, I ran into one of the champions from one of the tournaments and was like, “Cool! We can be friends because we have interests!” While at the conference, I remember running into him, taking a picture of him and my boyfriend, some light talking, and thought he was pretty cool. So, in the spirit of St. Friendliness, I nabbed his number and went along my way.

I added him on Facebook, because I’m a lady of the 21stcentury, where my relationship status is very blatant. He made mentioned he looked through my pictures so I figure he noticed that my boyfriend is slathered all over my page. When he offered to take me out on a date, I told him I can’t because I have a boyfriend but we can be friends. It’s there. I made no qualms about it. If there’s one thing I don’t do, it’s hide the fact I have a boyfriend. I love him and I’m proud of him and our relationship so why hide, right? Well…I got a super odd answer as a result.

He didn’t get all rude but he said we couldn’t be friends because I’m super hot and have a boyfriend. I’m like…wah? I’ve never had a friendship turned down because of that. It was the oddest thing to me. I believe in most situations, you can be friends with anyone. Sometimes it can get sticky with exes and fake people but because I’m too hot and have a boyfriend? Confidence boost, sure, but it’s definitely one from left field. Has anyone run into something like this before?

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