Thank God Election Day Is Tomorrow

I never thought I would ever say this, but you have no idea how relieved I am to know that Election Day is only a few hours away and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!  This has been the worst year ever in terms of soliciting voters to get up off their hineys and flock to the polls.  Over the past few months my email account has been inundated with emails from Barack and Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and several other random Democratic representatives trying to reach my constituency.

Every morning when I wake up and check my emails, I have to delete close to 40 of them before I can sift through legitimate junk email as well as important emails that I actually need to get to.  However, the solicitations doesn't stop at the emails. What about those bothersome phone calls?  I rather get a phone call from a telemarketer or dare I say-- even a bill collector at this point.  I have never received so many calls from volunteers about a Presidential election since I was eligible to vote 14 years ago.  Questions about my opinion of Mitt Romney or how is the Obama administration handling the economy is the last thing I want to hear right now!  Stop!

Oh and how about those lovely ads?  I must say I am blessed that most of the programs I choose to watch on television are pre-recorded so I can use that fast-forward button on my DVR remote and ignore most of those aggravating commercials.  Unfortunately when I am forced to watch a program live, I feel like I want to bang my head against the wall.

I'd like to mention that the Obama ad about Big Bird was by far the most over-the-top political ad I've ever seen.

True story:  Did you know a couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from an Obama volunteer asking me if I had transportation and if I needed a ride to the voting poll?  Seriously?

I also received a knock on my door from a Romney volunteer asking me do I plan to vote and when I told him, "I already voted" he had the nerve to ask me "Who did you vote for?"

Are you kidding me?

In the state of North Carolina, they allow registered voters the opportunity to vote early, so I am glad I was able to get it done and over with.  My poor Mom told me she plans to get up at 330am on Tuesday to get ready to go to the polls and is bringing a lawn chair with her just in case.

Shew! So glad I voted early!

Another irritant is aside from the massive emails, I also get tons of mail from both Presidential candidates.  My tiny mailbox is constantly overflowing with mailers from not only the Presidential electorates, but local congressional races, senate races, and ballot issues like "Say No to the Stadium Tax" here in New Hanover County, NC.

Last but not least....Facebook.  OMG.  I've felt inclined on many occasions to delete (very good friends) on my Facebook account simply because they feel the need to be Obama or Romney's personal spokesperson.  First of all, no one really cares about your opinion on politics.  Second, why do you feel the need to share every news item from the Huffington Post or CNN about the latest poll numbers or recent faux pas from either of the candidates?  Then there are the massive internet memes and photos of both candidates saying disrespectful things towards one another.

I have to admit, I was meme generator myself when I posted this image after the Romney faux pas about Big Bird and PBS.  C'mon now, tell me that's not funny.

Overall, I'm just glad to know that on Tuesday this will be all over.  No more attack ads, no more phone calls, no more knocks on my door or random people offering me a ride to the polls., no more junk mail, no more emails, and no more Facebook rants.

Well as far as Facebook is concerned  we may see the rants for awhile.  Especially dependent upon who wins.

Go out and do your civic duty. Vote tomorrow!

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