Raspberry Centered Truffles

Morning All,

Can honestly say, I didn't think I would be bringing you a food post so quickly after the last one but this is too good not to share!

I spent last Saturday on a shopping tour with my sister in law and her Mum. If you don't know what these tours are, basically a bus load of predominately women, shop the factory outlets from the crack of dawn til dusk. My sister in law, Bec and I have been doing these for years and this year I snagged a few bargains, mostly for Elizabeth and the babies.

So anyway each tour has a hostess who tells you about the places you're going to visit and organizes morning tea and lunch. Well the woman made these truffles and they were so insanely good, I was determined to make them as soon as I got home. I asked what was in them and she said "oh biscuits, coconut, condensed milk and raspberry lollies", what she didn't tell us was the quantities of each so I decided to wing it.

And they were awesome and took less than 15 minutes!

Raspberry Centered Truffles

250 gram of plain Biscuits - For my Northern Hemisphere friends I think that would be vanilla wafers
1/2 cup of Shredded Coconut + extra for rolling
295 gram can of Condensed Milk (I used 99% fat free, picked it up by accident)
1/2 packet of Raspberry Lollies (Again international friends these are soft jube like candies)

1. Crush the biscuits, I used the food processor

2. Place the crushed biscuits, 1/2 c of shredded coconut and condensed milk in the kitchenaid (you could do this by hand but it's easier to use a mixer) and mix until well combined

3. Grab a raspberry lolly, cover it with the mix and roll into a ball shape until completely hidden

4. Roll in coconut.

5. Chill in the fridge for at least half an hour

6. If you plan on eating them, hide them from the kids!

That simple and I swear they are seriously delicious!

DIY Delight or Disaster? um yeah, delight and I while it's not exactly a recipe that can be too badly messed up, I'm pretty happy that I managed to get them to taste like hers. So do yourself a favor and give it a go.

Have you ever tried to recreate a recipe? How'd it go?

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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  Beyond The Picket Fencesaving4six

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