Post-equalitarian parasitic culture

Rollo features an intriguing post by Mark Minter on the ongoing system failure presently pervading Western civilization:
You all need to understand in no uncertain terms, women despise you, they think little of you. They believe you brutish and violent, bull headed, and fundamentally stupid. They see you as big children that must be controlled and disciplined in order make you useful to them. And if you are not useful to them, if you do not provide those things that they wish from you, actually, more correct to say, those things they need from you, then you will not be a part of their lives.  And they are earnest and driven in structuring society and the law in such a manner that you are no longer needed.

They are now avoiding marriage in droves, deferring pregnancy and motherhood, and using men, more and more, as forms of recreation and, less and less, as a necessary partner in the scheme of life as they are defining it. Their job and their female friends are more important to them than you are. They are celebrating and defining single motherhood as the form of child rearing preferrable to a two parent household.

And you should expect the bad behavior of women in relationships and in social situations to only get worse. There is a massive demographic shift that has been occuring since the end of the birth control. Compare the dearth of child bearing age women against the number of men from 19-55 that chase those women, men that throw deals and enticements at the feet of those women, with the rise in social media mechanisms available today that permit women to be approached and have those deals thrown at their feet, and you have a recipe for more trouble ahead for men. 
One needs to allow for a certain amount of rhetorical drama here, of course, but what Minter is saying is entirely observable from a societal perspective.  The relevant point isn't about whether each individual woman despises men, which is simply not true, it is whether the society that the majority of women support and with which they are attempting to replace traditional Western civilization does so in a structural manner.  The irony is that for all it despises men, such a society is no less dependent upon men as the civilizational structure it is replacing because it is a society of parasites that tends to remind one of Douglas Adams's B-Ark Economy.

It will be interesting to see how long a society full of women's study majors, lawyers, and social workers will be able to survive on the wealth produced by men who are players, thugs, and videogame junkies.

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