Dana Verde presents her feature film "A Promise"

Los Angeles, CA-April 2013- Director Dana Verde and team will be working to secure funding for A Promise, an inspirational film about a young single mother who has to face her past in order to give her son a better future. Philomena “Philly” De Silva (Nia Fairweather, American Academy of Dramatic Arts graduate) is a recovering alcoholic and single mother who aged out of the foster care system. She has devoted her time to caring for her son Michael (Terrell Ransom, Jr., Days of Our Lives) while still carrying the baggage of her troubled childhood.

Verde will work on securing funding through an Indiegogo campaign that begins April 22, 2013. The filmmaker hopes to bring awareness to National Child Abuse Awareness month and children who grow out of foster care. Verde is seeking to raise $10,000 to cover development costs including legal fees, key artwork, casting and publicity. People can donate $10-$2,500 and will receive a thank you gift for their contribution. Gifts range from promise bracelets to the opportunity of being a featured extra in the film. All donors will be updated on the progress of the film through Twitter, Facebook and weekly newsletters.

More information can be found online at:


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