Secret Rendezvous Leads to Glances at the Couple

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After getting out of the country to escape from the controversy, young actress (YA) was allegedly spotted in a foreign country with her actor boyfriend (AB). Perhaps trying to avoid detection, YA was sporting obviously dyed blonde hair.

According to the source, YA and AB, who were accompanied by the mother of YA, looked like they were trying to register to get tied permanently. More interesting is the comment that YA allegedly had an obvious bump as well.

Although the country is quite far from the Philippines, it boasts of a sizable Filipino population, most of whom have intermarried with the locals. However, these Filipinos might not even know who YA is as she was not able to leave quite an impact as a star here.

Of course, it was puzzling to her followers why YA just left the country in a huff after leaving a trail of discontentment towards her former home network. While AB had been dragged into her hasty decision, people from his camp have refused to talk about the matter.

If indeed the news of YA being in that interesting stage was true, shouldn't AB be proud instead of trying to keep the matter private? He is a very public figure and although he does not generate as much intensity anymore as he used to, AB still owes the truth to his followers, especially to his loyal fans.

You can fool some people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. – Abraham Lincoln

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