Do you guys watch the TV show Glee? I loved the first couple of seasons but now, not so much. However in the first season there's an episode where the wife is trying to talk her husband into getting a fancy new house. While they're discussing this, her glue gun is playing up and she says "It's not a bad thing to want a life Will and a glue gun that works!".
I took a little bit of "creative license and changed it up a little but I when I look at this sign it makes me laugh and it's perfect for a craft room.
I bought this sign..useless for me my house wasn't tidy last week and it won't be for at least the next 16 years or however long I have the kids with me. Not that I am not at it all the time but no matter what Jule's and I do something is always hanging about, shoes bag, general kid clutter. Also it's kind of an ugly thing...who buys these anyway???
So my Glue Gun sign was born with a little spray paint and vinyl. Sadly Winter is not helping my dodgy photography but you can get the gist of it.
Thanks for reading,
Mel xo
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