iPhone Wallet

Freebies, I love 'em! Seriously it doesn't matter what is being given away, if it's free I want it! Even more than that, I love it when I wasn't supposed to get the freebie but they give it to me anyway. So the other day, I walk into the local bottle shop (wine run) and the guy behind the counter is giving the person in front of me a free iPhone wallet. So when it's my turn I say, "How about a wallet?", the other girl working in there says "It only comes with the beer." and walk away. So I smile at the guy and say, "come on mate, I'm always here", because I've forgotten I'm no longer young and cute and that doesn't work anymore - but apparently middle aged and desperate does because he hands it over, SCORE!!

Then I walk out grinning like an idiot, thinking how awesome, until realize, it's ugly! Worse it has the beer logo and a football on it, did somebody say makeover!!!!

So I covered it with Houndstooth contact paper I had left over from such fab projects as this, this and of course this.

Then I thought, she's a little boring, this girl needs to be blinged! So I dug around my random craft supplies and found this blingy M sticker

And called her done!

DIY Delight or Disaster? Free junk's cool! DELIGHT!  Actually I love it!

What's the last freebie you got?

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

Be Delighted Every Day, Follow Mellywood's Mansion!

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