Why men don't marry

Dr. Helen lists eight reasons:
1. You'll lose respect. A couple of generations ago, a man wasn't considered fully adult until he was married with kids. But today, fathers are figures of fun more than figures of respect: The schlubby guy with the flowered diaper bag at the mall, or one of the endless array of buffoonish TV dads in sitcoms and commercials. In today's culture, father never knows best. It's no better in the news media. As communications professor James Macnamara reports, "by volume, 69 percent of mass media reporting and commentary on men was unfavorable, compared with just 12 percent favorable and 19 percent neutral or balanced."
2. You'll lose out on sex. Married men have more sex than single men, on average - but much less than men who are cohabiting with their partners outside of marriage, especially as time goes on. Research even suggests that married women are more likely to gain weight than women who are cohabiting without marriage. A Men's Health article mentioned one study that followed 2,737 people for six years and found that cohabiters said they were happier and more confident than married couples and singles.
I can thing of two more:

9.  Technology.  Porn and video games are, to be blunt, considerably more attractive than the average overweight woman these days. The realistic answer to the question: "wouldn't a real woman be better?" for the average BETA male, is no.  And this is a problem that is only going to get worse.

10. Marriage provides no rights or rewards, only responsibilities.  The current institution of marriage offers little in the way of incentive for men and a great deal of disincentive.  Do the term "marital rights" of men and "marital duties" of women even make sense anymore? Were it not for religion and societal inertia, marriage would already be a dead institution.

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