What is the Sharing?

The Sharing is one of the underlying concepts in the Q graphic novel. It states that all the life essence energy for a universe is made available at the time of that universe’s creation event. All souls in a universe are therefore the same age. After a universe creation event, when the galaxies form and sentient life arises, souls (Data Collectors) begin indwelling them and recording life span data. When that physical universe returns to its original state, all the data collectors then exchange their experiences with the Creator, all earlier collectives and each other. This exchange of information takes place in the original dimension and is called, “The Sharing”.

A Sharing cycle coincides with the physical beginning and end of a universe. So as one crop of data collectors finishes networking, another physical universe ends and deposits its crop and a new universe (Harvest) is created. Physicist, Frank Tipler writes about an Omega Point. The Omega Point is the point at the end of the physical universe when past, present and future exist together. At this point you would see the dead living again. When applied to the Omega point theory, the Sharing cycle concept provides an efficient use of life essence energy. I believe a body cannot live without life essence energy. Life essence energy is immortal by nature and will indwell a body as long as the body is habitable (healthy enough to support life). In the Sharing, you will meet beings that your soul occupied in other spans. You do not own your soul exclusively.

You own a time share of it. The Creator owns the complex. As one example of how the Sharing model applies to religion, I will use Hebrews 9:27 from the bible. This passage states that a person only dies once. In the Sharing model, a person is any of the billions of life spans a soul indwells. Each of those persons dies only once. The soul records the lifespan and moves on until the Sharing. Some believe they will see deceased loved ones again. In this model everyone who ever lived would live again at the same time briefly in physical space, then for eternity in the original dimension as conscious energy.

The Sharing is the name of the Q graphic novel’s blog:  http://www.kelonproductions.com/category/sharing/

Odis Chenault is a Bay Area comic book author. http:www.kelonproductions.com

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