Is the Caring and Loving Worth Keeping?

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Surely, everyone of us has witnessed people do the craziest, sometimes unbelievable acts in the name of love – or motive of whatever. What we consider as overboard or an exaggeration is out of our judgment, but the person's own.

Generous Cat GC is a simple lass with humble beginnings. Since her winning in a nationwide contest some years ago, GC has since bloomed to be a graceful swan – a peg for someone her fans will die for to defend at all cost. Her steady stream of projects that spell millions is everybody’s envy. To a certain extent, it adds to her massive appeal.

It is no secret in showbiz that GC is known to spend and spoil people who are close and mean a lot to her. It is at this point that people privy to her often advise her to be careful in her choice of friendships/relationships, lest she’ll fall prey to be counted among “friends with benefits.” At any rate, GC has a mind of her own and does whatever pleases her.

Recently, GC had experienced one of the biggest crisis of her life. That controversial chapter reportedly devastated her a lot. It was at this point that “partner” aka rumored Gay Hunk GH stood by and took all the cudgels for her - something that must have overwhelmed GC.

As a show of gratitude, GC threw a lavish party for GH on his birthday. Reportedly, the cost of the party amounted to hundreds of thousands of pesos – it was then GH’s turn to be overwhelmed. So touched he was that he was often heard excitedly talking about it to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Some observers could only smile at HG with full sarcasm. They couldn’t help but recall how only a few months back, HG wouldn’t even touch GC with a ten-foot pole. He even detested so much having his name attached to or even mentioned alongside GC during his interviews.

Truly, this goes to show that nothing is ever permanent. In the case of GH, he opted the easier route, for rightly or wrongly – whether he admits or not - he is definitely riding and benefiting a lot from the good tidings coming his way – courtesy of his very generous partner.

“The right mixture of caring and not caring - I suppose that's what love is.” ~ James Hilton

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