Feminine Transitions

For women, aging brings with it an inner grace and beauty that is more than skin deep. From birth to old age, women transition through many physical, psychological, and emotional phases that are recorded on their faces. Never before has a book so vividly projected the images of women in all stages of life in a way that reveals who they really are as women. Feminine Transitions: A photographic celebration of natural beauty is a refreshing and inspiring, full‐color photography book. Its pages present a series of portraits that reveal the elegance and subtly honest beauty of female faces between the ages of 7 weeks and 103 years.

Author and photographer Alyscia Cunningham has truly unmasked the natural beauty of aging. “In a world filled with ‘Photoshopped’ images of women who are heavily made up, this book is a breath of fresh air,” says Trista Hendren, author of The Girl God and writer at the blog Elephant Journal. The process of photographing the portraits for the book turned out to be a transition for Alyscia. “I simply wanted to put together a body of work that fosters a woman’s love for herself and encourages women to believe in their own beauty, despite the signs of aging,” says Alyscia. “But as I lookedthrough my lens, I couldn’t see the women. All I could see was their makeup. Their masks.” Alyscia then made the decision that all of her subjects remove their makeup for their portraits. That was when the book project really took shape.

The importance of a woman’s “natural” beauty tookcenter stage. Feminine Transitions unmasks women and exquisitely demonstrates that young is beautiful, old is beautiful, and natural is beautiful. The book is scheduled to be released in summer 2013. Alyscia is currently preparing for another book called ‘Masculine Transitions ’. As the name implies, the book would be a visual insight into the phases of men’s lives. The two books together will mark the differences as well as the similarities of aging for both genders."

Author: Alyscia Cunningham
Size: 8.5” x 11”
Title: Feminine Transitions: A photographic celebration
Number of Pages: 128 of natural beauty
Binding: Sewn Hardcover
Publisher: A&C Books Cover Price: $34.95 Publication
Date: September 2013 Website: www.AandCbooks.com 
ISBN: 978‐1‐4507‐7113‐9 Email: info@AandCbooks.com

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