Surviving the First Day Of Kindergarten

This Girl's Life - First Day of Kindergarten

Well it's official, the husband and I are now parents of a Kindergartner. Yesterday was our daughter's first day of school and lets just say she did way better than mommy did. She basically told us that she was good and that she had this. I'll be honest, it almost makes you feel like your child doesn't need you anymore. Which is crazy because I'm almost 31 and still need my mom & dad till this day. I don't need them financially but you grow to need your parents in a completely different way. I'm sure there will be a time when I'm like thank goodness Summer is over and it's back to school time but that time is not here for me. I missed my baby yesterday and missing her today too. I put on my big girl pants though and waited till I got home to shed my tears and yes I admit I shed a few. Our dogs were so confused as well.

I feel like it's a little bittersweet. My husband and I choose not to have anymore kids so having my baby grow up and meet these milestones in her life are in a way heartbreaking. We are so excited for her but realize that time flies and the next thing we will be doing is watching her walk across the stage to graduate high school.

I will smile though and be her biggest supporter as she hits every milestone but secretly I'm just hoping she will stop growing up so fast.

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