Experience: An Unpredictable High Risk Investment

by Terisa Thurman

Experience makes it mark on us in unforeseen ways. No one can tell how that trip to a far off destination will affect the rest of your life. Will you meet your soul mate along the way? Will you run into the friend of a friend of someone who has the perfect job opening? Will the things you see and the people you meet shape your perspective and ease your need to explore?

Or will you spend more than you planned and not have enough to eat or get home? Should you have spent that time working and saving money for a home, a car and/or retirement?

Is experience a worthy investment? It’s definitely a gamble but how do you know when to take the risk?

Here is how you know: daydream.

Play different scenarios through and ask yourself questions. Weigh the pros and cons:

• What will you gain versus what you may lose?
• If you don’t take the risk, will you regret it?
• Are you at a dead end?

Essentially, take your best guess. Some people are better at guessing because they are taking into account all the little details and can handle the unexpected, but no one can predict the future. Even people who make illustrious plans can run into problems they didn't anticipate like medical bills or a stock market plunge. So consider your options which may require some research, take your best guess and trust your instincts.

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