Pinterest Bi-Weekly Linky Party

If you didn't read it last week then just a heads up that last week's Weekly Wednesday Blog Hop was the finale after 80 weeks straight of blog hops. From now on (at least for awhile) I will be hosting a Pinterest Bi-weekly linky party. Pinterest has grown into one of my top referrals for my blog and if you want to grow your blog I think it's an important social media tool to use and grow. So go ahead and link up and invite your blog readers over to do so as well. :)

  1. It's always optional but I would love for you to follow me. :) My pinterest.
  2. Link up your pinterest profile. Please no blogs linked, they will be removed.
  3. Don't be a link and leave person. Make some new pinterest friends. My pinterest is my number 2 referral for my blog and it's a great social networking tool for you to grow that will ultimately grow your blog. :)
  4. Feel free to share this on Facebook, Twitter, G+, etc.

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