7 Characters We Want to See in Star Wars Episode VII


December 18, 2015 – the scheduled release date of Star Wars Episode VII – can’t come soon enough. Ever since the movie’s announcement, the franchise’s legions of fans have been speculating about what and who we’ll see in the highly anticipated sequel. Much of the talk has revolved around the Expanded Universe, the collection of books and comics that continue the story from where Return of the Jedi left off. While the word is that Episode VII will feature an entirely original story (implying we won’t see an Expanded Universe tale adapted to the silver screen), that doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t see some of the awesome characters created after the original trilogy. Here are seven of the characters we want to see most in Star Wars Episode VII:

Boba Fett


Although his limited screen time ended with him being swallowed by the monstrous Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett maintains a legacy as one of the Star Wars universe’s biggest badasses. According to the Expanded Universe, Fett ends up surviving the Sarlacc, fighting his way out of its stomach and killing it. He then rises up the ranks of his bounty hunter clan, the Mandalorians, taking on the title of Mandalore, and eventually plays a key role in protecting the entire galaxy from invasion.

Grand Admiral Thrawn


Thrawn, known also by his mouthful of a full name Mitth’raw’nuruodo, was one of – if not the – greatest military mind in the galaxy’s history. He was the leader of the Empire of the Hand, a shadow government instituted by Emperor Palpatine to keep uncharted regions of the galaxy in check. After the Emperor’s defeat in Jedi, Thrawn nearly overthrew the New Republic forged by Princess Leia Organa Solo, taking back control over half the galaxy and blockading the Republic capital of Coruscant. He often studied his enemies’ culture and art to get a better glimpse of their psyches, taking advantage of whatever weaknesses he discovered.

Darth Krayt


One of most visually intimidating Sith lords, Darth Krayt was responsible for the creation of a new Sith order that waged war on – and eventually conquered – the entire galaxy. As a former Jedi, he covered for the young Anakin Skywalker after discovering the latter’s slaughter of Sand People in his youth (as seen in Attack of the Clones). He opted not to turn Skywalker in to the Jedi Council for his crimes, an act that would eventually lead to the downfall of the Jedi Order itself. Driven mad by guilt, his will was corrupted and he fell into the Dark Side of the Force.



Few entities were as grave a threat to the galaxy as Abeloth, who was so dangerous that it took a cluster of black holes to imprison her. She was once the mortal servant to ancient beings known as the Ones, who were so incredibly powerful in the Force that some cultures revered them as gods. Fearing her own death, Abeloth took it upon herself to gain the power of her masters, eventually becoming twisted by her own transformation. She came represent imbalance in the Force itself, and it would take the combined efforts of Luke Skywalker and a Dark Lord of the Sith to hold her back.

Jaina Solo


Along with her twin Jacen, Jaina Solo was the Force-sensitive child of Han and Leia Solo. She joined her uncle Luke Skywalker’s Jedi academy in her youth, showing great potential as a Force-user. Jaina became a masterful fighter and pilot, skilled enough to join the legendary Rogue Squadron. Her efforts in battle earned her the title of “Sword of the Jedi”. Later on, she trained under Boba Fett himself in order to track down and defeat a powerful new Sith lord.

Mara Jade


Mara Jade once served as one of the Emperor’s Hands, a group of Force-wielding operatives tasked with covert missions for Emperor Palpatine. Jade herself was one of Palpatine’s most skilled assassins, and was ordered to kill Luke Skywalker shortly before the Emperor’s defeat. A series of events forced her to work alongside Skywalker, who discovered that she was under the telepathic control of Emperor, even long after his death. With his guidance, Jade was able to break free of the Emperor and found her way to the Light Side, becoming a Jedi. As they continued to work together, Jade and Skywalker fell in love and married, eventually having a child they named Ben.

Luke Skywalker


What would a Star Wars sequel be without arguably the greatest hero in galactic history? Luke Skywalker is the man who started it all in the original movie trilogy, and is a major player in the Expanded Universe. After the events of Return of the Jedi, Skywalker reestablishes the Jedi Order, founds a Jedi Academy, overcame the temptation of the Dark Side as a Sith apprentice, emerged victorious in several wars, and defeated a godlike being. While we don’t know in what exact capacity Luke will be in the film, since much about that hasn’t officially been discussed yet, word is that Mark Hamill is getting himself in shape for Episode VII, which fuels speculation of Skywalker seeing some action.
About the Author

Marco Sumayao writes for the Forevergeek Kickstarter store and watches the original Star Wars trilogy at least once a year, aside from occasionally popping in and out of Star Wars: the Old Republic as a Sith Assassin.

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