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We saw how the world grieved for the victims prompting them to come together to help the country get up from its deeply shattered spirit. For the first time, the country has witnessed the outpouring of help coming from the many nations of the world. We were overwhelmed with love we never thought was possible.
On the local front, unfortunately, politics came to the fore and reared its ugly head once more. Blaming and bashing became fashionable, exempting no one, even and especially the highest officials of the land. Government defenders had their hands full salvaging whatever is left of its severely damaged international reputation.
Even the local journalists were not spared from infighting within their own network in defense of their respective principles, or beliefs. You know when tensions rise and emotions get in the way of reason, which was exactly what happened to two of the network's top journalists.
Reportedly, beleaguered News Personality NP's recent controversy had all the trappings of insider hands working within the network either to prolong her agony or vindicate her outright.
NP's Colleague NC who doesn't exactly have good words for NP was reportedly egging the Department Head DH to impose a more severe sanction on NP for her alleged grave misconduct. NC reportedly was on the side of The Party whom NP clashed with, even retweeting TP's tweets on the matter - slowing down only and deleting her tweets when NP was presumed to be under sanction already.
NC believed that NP did a great disservice to the network for her conflict with TP, and told DH that a stiffer penalty other than the one that was reported should be imposed. NP's Senior Colleague SC when told of the impending bigger sanction on NP defended her and even threatened DH that should she punish NP even more, he (SC) and Another Colleague AC would go with NP, and not appear on their program altogether.
That's it, while some of the network's 'lesser' personalities get disciplined for even lesser offenses - NP gets off the hook. Indeed, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.
“If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.” ~ Keith Richards
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