The problem with you and those who self-consciously subscribe to this "game" concept are two-fold: 1) you were all obviously very bad with women before it dawned on you to so something about, which is to now over-compensate by being a soi-disant asshole. No real gentleman who is good with woman needs to be an asshole; just don't be a pushover. Typical American over-compensation and response: no subtlety; no class; no clue. Secondly, you are like someone who learned there is no Santa Claus - on your 21st birthday. By being so self-consciously "alpha" and studying "game," don't you see how your obsession makes you as pathetic as any other loser? Self-conscious nonchalance is still self-conscious.Marcus here indicates that he understands neither Game nor women. His first point is objectively incorrect. While RM, having started as a self-identified Omega, has been consciously using Game to improve his socio-sexual rank, I was openly recognized as an ALPHA by men and women alike long before the concept of Game was articulated. Game wasn't ever a means to an end for me, it was merely the coherent articulation of inter-sexual behavioral patterns that I had already recognized and utilized.
The statement "no real gentleman who is good with woman needs to be an asshole; just don't be a pushover" is not only absurd, it is a tautology. Marcus might as reasonably have said: "No Beta needs to be an asshole, he should just be content with Beta status and be careful not to engage in Gamma behavior". That's fine and all, but it is both sub-optimal for Betas and totally useless for the Deltas, Gammas, and Omegas of the world. And it is downright laughable to the Alphas and Sigmas of the world, some of whom are assholes and some of whom are gentlemen. I further note that a "real gentleman" almost surely does need to be an asshole, or at least be able to convincingly simulate one, if he is to improve from being good with women to being great with them.
The most useful way to think of Game is through a free weight analogy. Those who are naturally strong often tend to think of weightlifting as unnecessary, even though weightlifting will make them stronger and allow them to lift more weight than they ever could naturally. And it is downright necessary for the weak, who will never increase their strength by being "real gentlemen", "just being themselves", or "not being a pushover". In further support of the analogy, the naturally strong not infrequently refer to those who have built themselves up through weightlifting as being "puffed up" and "not having real muscles".
But the only relevant metric is if the bar moves when you try to push it up. The iron doesn't care if you come by your strength naturally or through a wide variety of artificial means. It either moves or it does not move, depending solely upon the amount of strength you have to bring to bear. The lift counts the same regardless of the amount of effort involved.
Think about how remarkably silly Marcellus sounds when applying his perspective to any other aspect of self-improvement. Don't you see how your obsession with [losing weight] makes you as pathetic as any other [fatty]? Self-conscious [weight loss] is still self-conscious. This is true, but Marcus is failing to recognize that the whole point of the exercise is to lose weight! Or, in the case of Game, increase your socio-sexual rank. He is attacking a strawman of his own device here since a lack of self-consciousness is not the goal of Game. This should be obvious in that an important aspect of Game involves simulating the Dark Triad traits, including narcissism, which women find so powerfully attractive. In fact, it is the lack of other-consciousness that is one of the more central objects of Game.
Like many men who find their socio-sexual rank to be satisfactory, Marcus finds Game distasteful for three reasons. First, it challenges his sense of superiority. He doesn't like the idea that a rising Omega like RM might one day be able to score more attractive women than he himself does. Game means more competition from those who previously never had a shot. Second, it shakes his sense of reality. He believes that women respond to men being "real gentlemen" and "not being a pushover" and it is troubling to consider the possibility that he is, despite his present satisfaction with his socio-sexual rank, simply misguided and has been all along.
Third, and most important, is the simple distaste for change that is always inherent to those satisfied with the status quo. If Game is correct - and it is - then Marcus would be well-served by modifying his thinking and his behavior, which he quite naturally is loathe to do. For men of high socio-sexual rank, there is very little to be gained from Game, except perhaps reducing the speed with which time and age naturally tend to reduce their rank. Thus, their interest in Game is either nonexistent or intellectual; the Alpha could not care less about the possibility of the Omega moving up to Delta. For men of moderate but satisfactory socio-sexual rank, on the other hand, their complacency as well as their ability to compete against other men of similar rank are materially threatened by Game, which is why they react in such a hostile manner to it.
Whenever one sees a nonsensical, emotion-laden criticism of Game by a man who considers himself to be good with women, particularly one who decries the possibility that high status women could be attracted to men who don't behave like he does, you can be almost certain that he is either a Beta or a High Delta.