I have a question for the men. I keep hearing two things over and over from other women: 1) I'd look cuter with shorter hair; and 2) When I reach middle age, I should absolutely cut my hair, because older women look ridiculous with long hair. I have sufficient evidence to know #1 is a lie. However, I want to know if you think older women -- even women in their 60s and 70s -- look better with long hair. Assuming it's healthy-looking, that is.

And this is being more than fair to the short hair brigade; women with that dreadful mushroom cap look are ubiquitous and yet I couldn't find any pictures of that common hairstyle on the Internet. Why? Because no one wants to see that! The real reason that women are always telling older women to chop their hair off is because nothing makes a 35 year-old woman who is just beginning to feel the ravages of age look and feel worse than a 60 year-old woman with long silver hair who can still turn men's heads.
All that cropping one's hair short does is make an older woman look even older, harsher, and more mannish.