Now, I’ve heard plenty of thoughts and conjecture as to the reason for the decline [in female happiness]. But I’ve yet to see someone get it right. Care to take a shot? Go ahead…I don't know how convincing I find that explanation, but it is certainly both pithy and amusing. Being of an economic bent, I tend to favor the explanation that educational trends combined with hypergamy and misleading expectations of the joys of self-supporting labor are the primary cause myself.
“Because men aren’t ‘manning up’.”
“Because the economy is rapidly draining the pool of desirable (Alpha) men.”
“Because the “self-esteem” and “empowerment” trends have caused women to price themselves out of the market.”
Strike 3; you’re out.
Here’s the answer: It’s because women have stopped trying to please men in favor of trying to please women. And they’re learning just how impossible a task that is.
HT: Complimentarian Loners