Just Take It With a Grain of Salt

Image courtesy of www.mychinaconnection.com

Showbiz Mother SM and daughter SD went shopping for replica Goyard bags in a popular flea market in the metropolis. The bags were to be given as gifts to their friends. SM and SD were haggling for the best price for the the 10 pieces of knock-off Goyard bags that they were buying from the seller. There were many other shoppers in the store as it was a payday weekend and there was mad rush everywhere. The store's sales staff SS(tinderas) were very busy attending to different customers.

SM on the other hand was busy haggling with one of the SS. After she was given a sizable discount, SM and SD took the initiative to putting the items inside their shopping bags since SS were attending to other buyers as well. When SM and SD finished, they hurriedly paid for the items and left.

Suddenly, SS had a hunch that something went wrong. Immediately she counted and mentally inventoried the remaining bags and lo and behold, 2 pieces were missing! She panicked and hurriedly ran after the mother and daughter who were walking amidst the sea of shoppers. When SS caught up with them, she politely told them of the problem: that the two missing items could have been placed (accidentally?) inside their shopping bags.

SM was furious and embarrassed at the same time as they were attracting people's attention. She told SS that it's impossible that the missing bags were with them as she personally counted everything carefully. But she knew that she wouldn't be able to get away with not opening the shopping bag, so she hesitantly gave in to SS' request to open it -- and true enough, as expected, the 2 bags were there (shopping bag had 12 pcs. instead of 10pcs.)!

It was such a painful situation to be in for the three of them right that very moment as "uzi's" were aplenty and looking malicious. Both SS and SD had a hard time feigning everything was okay amidst such major embarrassment. Meanwhile SS apologized and left quietly with the 2 bags in hand.

Tip: When thinking naughty, be smart. Avoid stepping on potential land mines.

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