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Everyone knows that finding a good one is a big challenge. Others feel lucky to have found trusted HH they can leave their homes to, at the very least. Yet, HH’s “staying power” in one’s household is determined to a large extent - by the way their employers treat them.
Wherever they work, HH are often subjects of abuse since people know that most of them are gullible and easy prey. They are perceived as not knowing any better – especially those who come from the provinces. Many people, celebrities or not are just as guilty of abuse.
Young Actress YA was overheard giving tips to Fellow Actress FA regarding hiring maids. Earlier, FA was telling YA that she badly needed one for her mother who had been without HH for quite sometime. YA who projects an innocent screen persona said something to FA that kind of shocked her.
YA told FA that she could refer some HH to FA who would come from their province. YA quoted a salary bracket to FA that was way below standards. Before FA could even react, YA told her that it’s okay to give these HH or drivers below standard rates because they are ignorant.
What YA said next totally floored FA, “ Besides, it’s okay for them whatever amount you will give them because they are used to being penniless anyway.”
If the statement sounded mean and exploitative, people who know YA know where she was coming from. Notably, it is something in YA’s past that's behind such statements. Source said that YA must be describing herself during the years she felt so deprived - a poignant part of her life she had refused to acknowledge, and in her heart, would rather forget?
“No one will dare maintain that it is better to do injustice than to bear it." ~ Aristotle
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