I'm very excited to have my very first guest poster, none other than the awesome Danni from Silo Hill Farm. I love Danni and I know that if you guys don't already know and love her, you will after today.
Take it away Danni.
Hello fans of the fabulous Mel and her Mansion! I'm am delighted to be here guest posting for Mel today. I'm Danni and I blog over at Silo Hill Farm.
I've been lucky enough to know Mel almost since she started blogging. Her projects are inspiring and her sense of humor never disappoints, but it's her friendship and support that I cherish.
Today I'm sharing with you one of my "I & E" projects...that's inexpensive and easy if you aren't familiar with my blog. I wanted to make something for a friend of mine who happens to love purple. I had a lot of purple beads in various shapes and sizes, but I'm not much of a jewelry maker. Oh, I have all of the tools, wire, fasteners and jump rings.....I just don't know what to do with them! But then one day in the craft store, I spotted these.....
It's a little clip on key chain with a bead pin attached. It looks like this.
This project couldn't be easier. All you do is unscrew the little ball at the end of the pin, thread some beads on and screw the ball back on.
Still looking a little plain here, so I added a little charm I had. It says, "Play".
Perfect for my purple loving friend who is an avid canoeist!
Come visit me at the Farm sometime and see some of my other easy projects. Thanks Mel! I love ya!