Rejecting outmoded responsibility

Dalrock has a good post on the defenders of what, for lack of a better term, can be reasonably described as "modern chivalry":
To many traditionalists, chivalry is something women deserve from men even when they aren’t acting like ladies.  This is why Lydia’s response to my pointing out that large numbers of modern women are acting like harlots was to decry my loss of chivalry.  We saw the same frame of mind from the traditional blogger I referenced in Trad Con Tourette’s:
[good men are] kindly respectful of women, regardless of whether or not the woman is acting like a lady.  They would never think of using the crude terms flung around the manosphere.
Core to this mindset is a profound denial of the shredding of the social contract by decades of unchecked feminism.  In a move which can only be described as enabling feminism, they most fear and object to anything which would allow feminist women to experience the costs and responsibilities which should naturally come from what they are demanding.  In an era where sluts are literally marching down the street they tell us sluts must be treated like ladies, and modern career women must be treated with the deference reserved for traditional ladies in the Victorian era.
My opinion is that it is absolutely absurd to attempt to play by rules that are no longer in effect.  The traditionalists are playing the role of an NFL coach who is unaware that the forward pass is now legal, and is wondering why his team keeps losing so badly when he has coached them so diligently in how to run the ball.

Chivalry is totally irrelevant with regard's to modern intersexual relations.  Once more we see the Female Imperative in place, inserting itself as a priority where it doesn't even belong in the first place.  Consider what are described as the Ten Commandments of Chivalry:
  1. Believe the Church's teachings and observe all the Church's directions.
  2. Defend the Church.
  3. Respect and defend all weaknesses.
  4. Love your country.
  5. Do not recoil before an enemy.
  6. Show no mercy to the Infidel. Do not hesitate to make war with them.
  7. Perform all duties that agree with the laws of God.
  8. Never lie or go back on one's word.
  9. Be generous to everyone.
  10. Always and everywhere be right and good against evil and injustice.
As is so often the case, the modern form of chivalry is a twisted and evil perversion that is the direct opposite of actual chivalry.  It is dependent upon a fundamental lie of an equality that is explicitly rejected by the concept of chivalry itself.  If a man has no chivalric duty to make war on the infidel or defend the Churhc, he certainly has no duty to treat a woman any differently than her behavior happens to merit.

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