Is He An Orange or an Apple?

Why do people attempt to get orange juice out of apples? I believe it was Maya Angelou who said "when a person shows you who they are believe them". Everyone deserves a point of redemption but ladies where does that line stop? Seems that a woman will cut off her best friend of 10 years for critiquing her outfit.

She'll stop talking to her family members for giving her parenting advice. Meanwhile her man lies, steals, and cheats with her best friend and she rolls over and says "I love it..I love it..I love it when you..". That's called the Rhianna syndrome. No problem happens overnight in fact most women know from the first interaction "this mofo ain't no good". However, we pursue the relationship anyway.

Various reasons:

Ego: "I can change him".

Curiosity: "I wonder why all the ladies want him".

Thrill: "Before him, I was sitting at home watching a Housewives episode".

Truth is as much as you try you'll never get orange juice out of an apple. He knows his life he lived it. He's wondering why you put up with it...he wouldn't. Think about it he's with you! He has a standard it's you that didn't set one. A man changes for two reasons:

1. He desires change

2. To obtain what he desires requires change.

Most important thing to know about that statement is to know and accept you may not be what he desires. So if he laid his cards out and you accepted it, then why change? He'll play that hand until he's ready to play with someone else or play another game. Men are task/goal oriented you may not be in on the plan but trust and believe he has one. So ladies don't be upset when he's off to the next stage of his plan and your left behind scratching your head. It doesn't phase him because you were never part of the next scene. It perplexes him because he gave you the script. You had to know you weren't the one riding off in the sunset with him in the end. Bottom line expectations for anything are set early on. The signs are always there you can choose to ignore them or let them guide you to safety. If its orange juice you want then to make sure you get an orange.

Your mans bff.

Love, Chynudol

Chynudol is a relationship blogger...helping ladies one post at a time. She is a gamer, blogger, and self proclaimed professional! Using others experiences as well as experiences of my own to help readers have a better experience :-)

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